Principal’s Report


Good times!

Last Friday, the College community came together to congratulate our senior school students on a terrific year, and to farewell our 2023 graduates.

After a warm welcome from Mrs. Morrison, a heartfelt, and at times amusing, speech from our departing captains, Tobias and Zoe, we were able to announce our new College leaders, Giselle S (capt.) and Mitchell G (vc). Although they have big shoes to fill, I am confident they will carry out their duties with maturity and act as the perfect role models for the student body.

The Awards Assembly enabled us to celebrate the academic and sporting achievements of the Y9-12 students, as well as an opportunity for performances from our junior choir and the amazingly talented Layla B. This year, a change in process saw students awarded for ‘Top of Subject’, whilst there was also the introduction of the ‘Odyssey Award’, given to any student who has completed their entire schooling with PBC. Congratulations to Lily H for being the inaugural recipient of this award. Voted by the teachers, the RISE award was also given to one student from each year level that best encapsulates the College values of Reflection, Inclusivity, Service and Excellence. I’ve made it no secret, this is my favourite award as the recipient is someone deemed to be respectful, empathetic, determined and community minded, a role model for their peers. Congratulations to Samson T, Mitchell G and Arabella N for all your hard work and dedication.

Of course, the biggest celebration was for our 10 amazing Y12 graduates. These students completed their schooling through some of the most challenging circumstances, to leave the College as young adults, fully equipped to tackle whatever may come their way. It must be recognised that all our students who applied for early entry into university were accepted. Good luck to Lilly, Arabella, Joley, Lily and Akasha, as you take the next step of your educational journey.

Finally, it would be remiss of me not to mention Tobias. Aside from being the model student and leader of the College, he has juggled the responsibilities that come with being an elite athlete. Being a foundation member of the first PBC sporting academy (Football), he is the first student to graduate. When you consider he also held down a part-time job, his achievements are nothing short of incredible. We wish Tobias every success as he moves onto the next phase of his life, moving to Spain to play for a Semi Professional Football Club.

Junior School


Welcome to Week 8. As per our previous email correspondence and newsletter reminders, please note the following:

  • Learn to Swim – lessons have now concluded
  • Week 9 – Friday afternoon Year 1 gathering
  • Week 10 – Monday morning Prep transition
  • Week 10 – Wednesday 9.00am Celebration of Learning Ceremony P-4 (approximately an hour and a half in duration). This gathering will include a range of beautiful additions including, certificates, medals, a Christmas play, the Junior School Choir, and more. All families are welcome to attend.
  • Week 10 – Wednesday 11:00am – 2:00pm – End of year Events – students only

(P-2: Disco) (3-4: Pool Party/BBQ)

Permission forms for participation, have been emailed.

Uniform Changes

As was mentioned in last week’s Emu Chronicle, there will be some changes to the students uniforms next year. I am pasting this information again below, along with the email that was sent during the week to clarify the transition period:

  • Prep – Y6: students are expected to wear PE uniform every day.
  • Y7-12: students are to wear formal uniforms every day except Thursdays, and the days they have PE lessons.

It is expected that students will not ‘mix and match’ the two.

The school is aware that some families will have only purchased uniforms this year. As such, 2024 will be recognised as a ‘transition year’. Students in Prep – Y6 will be able to wear either their formal or PE uniform on non-PE days. Thursdays will still be PE uniform. 

May I thank families in advance for their support in ensuring that students present to the College dressed according to the above guidelines.

Class Lists

*Please note that final Primary teacher allocations will be confirmed in next fortnight’s Emu Chronicle.

*Class lists will be completed by the end of the Term and refined as new students enrol across the summer break.

*Teachers will send welcome emails to families in the new year so that students know who will be teaching them, in 2024.

We appreciate that families and students become very excited about finding out who their teachers will be for the following year. For a range of reasons (including and importantly, that these lists can change a few times and these changes can be more unsettling for students than waiting until closer to the time) we will be sharing this information in the new year, as mentioned above.

From here…

With only 2 weeks to go, we look forward to the exciting Junior School happenings across the remainder of the year; and being able to share some of these highlights with yourselves and your children. Please note carefully some of the changes above to avoid missing out on any key events.

Middle/Senior School


As we approach the end of another enriching academic year, it is with both reflection and anticipation that I address you in this, my final newsletter article for 2023. This year has been filled with achievements, challenges, and, most importantly, growth. As we bid farewell to 2023, we eagerly look ahead to 2024, a year that promises to be marked by innovation and transformation in our approach to education.

One of the key initiatives that will define the upcoming year is the introduction of the Learning Behaviours Matrix. Crafted with care and consideration, this matrix is not merely a tool for assessment but a testament to our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals. It signifies a shift towards a more holistic understanding of our students’ development, emphasising not only academic accomplishments but also the crucial learning behaviours that shape their character and readiness for the future.

As we move into 2024, the Learning Behaviours Matrix will take centre stage in our reporting practices. Parents and guardians can anticipate a more comprehensive and nuanced view of their child’s progress, a reflection of our dedication to transparent communication and collaboration between home and school.

This matrix also serves as a catalyst for student empowerment. Through regular reflections and discussions, with homeroom teachers and our newly appointed Stage coordinators in Primary and Year Advisors in Secondary, students will be encouraged to take an active role in their learning journey, fostering a sense of responsibility and a growth mindset that will serve them well beyond the classroom.

I want to express my gratitude to the entire PBC community for your unwavering support throughout my first year here at the College. Our collective efforts, resilience, and commitment to excellence have made this a memorable and successful academic year.

As we approach the holidays and a well-deserved break, I wish all of our families and staff a restful and joyous time spent with loved ones. May it be a time of rejuvenation and reflection as we prepare to embrace the opportunities and challenges that the coming year will undoubtedly bring.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Student Services

As the school year quickly draws to a close, the Student Services Team would like to provide a helpful compilation of various well regarded and easilyaccessible resources, so that you have some support options at your fingertips should the need arise during the holidays.

Embracing Inclusive Learning at PBC:  The Power of UDL (Universal Design for Learning)

Hello PBC families! I would like to share a bit about how we make learning awesome for every learner. At PBC, we follow something called UDL, short for Universal Design for Learning. It’s like a special tool we use to make sure our lessons are interesting and work well for everyone.

Now, there’s another cool thing we’re into – Inclusive Education. It’s a way of planning lessons that cater for a range of different learners, each with their own unique ways of learning. At PBC, we think these two ideas go hand in hand, kind of like the dynamic duo of lesson planning.

So, what does this mean for your child? It means they get different options to learn and show what they know. We believe in giving them choices, so it’s not just one- size-fits-all.

But here’s the real magic – this approach helps us spot and remove any hurdles that might get in the way of learning and enjoying school life. We want every student to engage with their learning and be part of the action.

Why does it matter to us? Because it turns our lessons into engaging experiences where everyone is involved and having a good time. It’s about ensuring every student feels confident and supported in their learning. So, at PBC, we’re working hard to create a place where everyone can do their best and feel like they are a valued member of our school community.

MIND – Service Activities

In week 7 the MIND Service students held the fundraiser for the Pyjama Foundation. It was such a fun lunchtime with a great community vibe between staff and students across all year levels. We are so pleased to announce that our generous school community raised $1498!

The Service group thoroughly enjoyed spending the profits on gifts and are proud to be able to bring a little joy to others this Christmas. Thank you for your support!

PBC Readers find a new home in Vanuatu school!

This year PBC updated our junior school reading scheme, by replacing our readers with decodable readers. Around the same time, Mrs du Toit’s son, Tom, was sailing to Indonesia via Vanuatu. Tom was looking for donations of educational supplies to take to the under-resourced Port Resolution School, in Vanuatu. The timing was perfect as we were able to send a generous supply of readers, safely stored in zip lock bags inside plastic tubs, to make the journey across to Vanuatu. The teachers and students were so grateful for the books which were shared between two schools – their appreciation a reminder of how fortunate we are to have so much. The children sang a song to say thank you!

Year 3 – Travel Expo!


In Geography this semester, students have been looking at Australia and its neighbouring countries. Students completed a research task about their chosen country. To celebrate their learning, students shared their knowledge and displayed what they have learnt at a ‘Travel Expo’. Parents, other classes, Teachers, Ms Morrison and Mr Dupuy came along to view their fabulous work.

Library News

Dear Readers

May I ask you all a favour – can you seek out any library books that may be at home, in the car, in school/sports bags, or under beds and return them as soon as possible please?  As our college and library have grown this year, the job of overdue notices is bigger and unfortunately the overdue book list is longer than ever.  For those of you that are interested we currently have 495 books still out on loan to our students that need to be returned in preparation for 2024.   Thank you in advance.

The Emu Book Review

Tiny Timmy On Tour by Tim Cahill                

“It’s about Tiny Timmy going on a football tour and he gets homesick, he wants to go back home but his parents persuade him to stay for the benefit of his team.” 

“I liked the bold lettering in the book – it emphasised the bolder bits in the sentences.”

“I would recommend this book.  I have already recommended it to my friend in my class.  I think he would like it because he plays football and has been on a football tour with me and it’s a fun book.“

 By Finley from Year 4 

Yours in reading every day

Miss Tania

“In the library, one often finds people close their mouths and open their minds!”

Community Announcements

Youth Choral Workshop

This school holiday activity sponsored by the Sunshine Coast Oriana Choir, Hosted by the Sunshine Coast Youth Choir and will be facilitated by renowned Choral Workshop Conductor Clare Finlayson. A fun filled 1 day workshop for all singers. Monday 15thJanuary 2024 9am-3:30pm

Click image for further information:


School Administration Housekeeping.

  • The email address to use for all correspondence relating to student absences is, this email address is accessed by all administration staff. Please add to your address books so that our emails to you don’t go to your junk email folder.
    You can also lodge an absence via the form on the website located here.
  • Don’t forget to order canteen through the My School Connect app – orders are to be placed no later than 8.10 am.
  • When signing students in late or signing them out early please ensure to put a reason in the text box for College records.
  • Please ensure students are in their correct uniform, we are going to be checking to make sure that the uniform policy guidelines are being followed, this includes correct footwear with formal uniforms.